Friday, October 13, 2017

Features of Contours

The features of the contours are as follows:

1) Two contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in the case of overhanging cliff.
2) Contour drawn closer depict a steep slope and, if drawn far apart represents a gentle slope. 
3) Contours of different elevations do not unite to form one contour except in the case of vertical cliff.
4) Contours equally spaced depict a uniform slope, when contours are parallel equidistant and straight, these represents an inclined plane surface.
5) Contour at any point is perpendicular to the line of the steepest slope at the point.
6) A contour line must close itself but need not be necessarily within the limits of the map itself.
7) A set of ring contours with higher values inside, depict a hill whereas a set of ring contours with lower values inside depict a pond or a depression without an outlet. 
8) When contours cross a ridge or V-shaped valley, they form sharp V-shapes across them. Contours represent a ridge line, if the concavity of higher value contour lies towards the next lower value contour and on the other hand these represent a valley if the concavity of the lower value contour, lies towards the higher value contour.
9) The same contour must appear on both the sides of a ridge or a valley.
10) Contours do not have sharp turnings. 

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