Suraj Shah
Civil EngineerMany people end their life with a one question ‘Actually who was I? , if I lived my life with being myself or just I survived life by being copy or being rubber to mould shape to impress other.’ I just want to request my readers to focus on word “survived”.
I have thought that I am younger for this article but later I thought that I have passed one quarter of life so I may be able to answer who are seeking answer of myself in early quarter of precious life. Many Sad guru and Sadhu are there who have found answer of myself and so they are called spiritual man who are free of love, affection and relation.

When I generally used to read spiritual book which ultimately focus on know yourself but before 1 yrs. I haven’t explore that there is myself in my heart I just used to think that I have been controlled by mind and I’m slave of that master. I’m young guy and my friends used to told me that I’m boring guy which don’t drink and smoke and they used to force me also and keep taunting but I refuse because I don’t like to have these all stuffs and I can’t live without being me and can’t change my will for them because that will not be me that will be just mask of another person who is unknown to me and my heart. One thing I'd like to add here people who have survived for a years without exploring inner part have been living in dilemma by asking does she/he is actually doing that/this for happiness or for compulsion and ultimately their life ruins but when they know themselves they abandon every cover or networks or spider like net which were disconnecting freedom of life. I have seen many people who were used to throw dust in people’s eye by being wearing fake mask of not being themselves and ultimately are in worst condition. But I don’t see wrong in that too because society don’t accept you easily when you have known yourself because society have not changed as society is busy in fulfilling the physical needs so there is no time for accepting people’s reality at all. And you wear fake mask to impress society but u can’t afford that for a long time because that is not you and individual can’t hide his/her identity for a period.
My conclusion up to couple of decades that if u have abandon or fulfilled physical needs, then only we can think about spiritual needs and can think about this question neither there will be only showoff or fake . If you know yourself you will stop to survive for others and live your own life ruled by you and you will establish your kingdom in which you will be king and for 1000% you will be enlighten and feel so light you can fly and feel every aspects of nature , you can imagine it ……………..
So all my friends that the ultimate conclusion of knowing myself is that you will live your life with protection of your wish and wills which will spread love and happiness and I want to focus here word “ live”.
There is difference between surviving and living in life……………………………
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