Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Before Survey Camp

1) Carry your laptop. Don't fear of losing and breaking or anything like that.
2) Install Microsoft Office (Excel is needed) , Autocad and DTM ( Digital Terrain Modeling) in your laptop. (GIS is optional )
3) Learn the basic of Excel like addition, subtraction, multiplication ,division etc. by putting formulas. Also, learn the conversion of Degree, Minute and Second in excel.
4) Carry some painkiller, water bottle and torch light.

In Survey Camp


1) In traversing, don't make so many legs. Around 14-16 legs are sufficient.
2) Please make the calculation of the data properly. Try to do all the table calculation in Excel.
3) Don't try to cheat while making calculation and plotting because it will be rechecked with plane table surveying. You will have to do again if the legs are not oriented perfectly.

Fly levelling

Fly levelling of around 1-2 km should be done making closed loops. Also, fly levelling should be done to transfer the RL to each major and minor station of your traverse.
Its not that easy as before because the terrain will be steep and you have to maintain that 2-0.6 limit.

***** So, to be on that limit ( 2 - 0.6m ) many students try to go sideway to set up auto lable and lose their time. They only way you can do it quick and fast is going straight down and covering small horizontal distance. *****


Take as much as points as you can. Its best if you can take more than 1000 points. Take more points of the slopes, house corners and side of road (left and right).
Don't take nearer points while detailing. Near points within small height difference is useless as u will be plotting in small scale later.

After Survey Camp

1) Divide the work with the group members.
2) Try to plot the total station data in GIS and compare the contour with autocad-DTM.

For making topographic map with the Total Station data by Auto CAD and DTM,
Watch this video :