Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Smoking Benefits

"Every Cigarette you smoke reduces your expected life by 11 minute."
FUCK OFF !!! I have been listening this since I was a kid ...

कोइ गम भुलानेके लिए पी ते हे, कोइ चाए से तो कोहि दारु से पी ते हे, कोइ येसेही ले ते हे, कोइ joint भर भर के रात भर पी पी कर ढल्ते हे, हर लोक पी ते हे , हर रोज पी ते हे....
ये CIGARETTE हे भैया जी, नही पिया तो जिन्दगी क्या हे ........

Lets go straight into the benefits of smoking :

1) It is used by so many students believing that a cigarette helps them to concentrate in their study.
Actually it has been proved by an experiment carried by Wesnes and Warbuton where smokers and non smokers were required to watch a clock for 80 minute. Every time the hand of the clock paused. they had to press the button.
Not only did smokers outperform non-smokers, they were still performing just as well 60 minutes into the task and they had 10-15% faster reaction time.

2) Smoking reduces the aggression.
In an experiment where people were given to work 6 Hours without a pause. Non Smokers became angry, frustrated and aggressive while smokers were calm.

3) It is believed that smokers has good memory power.
(Don't know how long it exist)

4) It reduces the risk of breast cancer, knee replacement therapy...
(important one.. I don't know the biology inside it coz I am ENGINEER)

5) It lowers risk of DEATH after some heart attacks.
(after ...are you kidding me?? )


NOTE: Take them seriously at your own risk.

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