Friday, September 1, 2017


भुमिका नबाधि  !!
Lets go  straight into points :

1) Increase in POPULATION and their means of transport

Population of Kathmandu is increasing by 6-10 % per year. This will automatically increase the means of transportaion as people always want to travel in their own vehicle. The rate of increase of vehicle is doubling per year. (Link)
That means, no matter how wide the road will be, it will  always be insufficient to run this many vehicles.
" बाबुरामले बाटो बढाए - हामी खुसी छौ , तर अब बाबुरामका बाउ नै आएर बाटो बडाएनी पुग्दैन !! ठाउँ नै छैन , येत्रो हुन्छ  "

2) FAST and carry large number of people 

Metro is fucking fast !! If you are reading from outside countries, then you know it ! I can see in the movies, videos and pictures.
Also, it can carry large number of people at a single time. As the population of Kathmandu will always increase, there will be large number of people going in their work/offices and they can easily go/come by Metro. Tried people will prefer METRO instead of bike or cars. They would prefer private vehicle only for holidays/visits.
"जति पछाडी सरे पनि ठाउँ हुन्छ !! दुई लाईन मात्रै होइन दस लाईन सम्म बस्न मिल्छ !! २ मिनेटमा घर देखी अफिश पुगिन्छ  " !!

3) Use of Clean energy and NO POLLUTION 

As metro uses electricity, we can easily afford its energy consumption. New hydro-powers will be built by the time we will finish constructing METRO.
Also, pollution level will decrease drastically in Kathmandu.
" बती पनि बाल्नी, मेट्रो पनि चड्नि !! स्वछ हावा खानी , निरोगी बन्नी , काम गर्नी , पैसो कमाउनि " !!


Question will arise, Do we have enough money to construct METRO in KATHMANDU ?
Its not a 1 year investment, we can separate certain percentage of Budget every year. If its not sufficient we can either take loan or give it to International Company !! ( BOOT गर्नी )
BOOT : Build,Own, Operate, Transfer (१०-२० वर्ष पछि नेपाल को हुन्छ )

"पैला बजेट बाट खर्च गर्नी, नत्र ऋण लिनी !!!  ADB, World Bank के का लागि !! देन भने , मेट्रो चाहियो भनेर मै letter लेखौला !! "


Another question is, do we have enough space to construct metro in Kathmandu roads ?
We can either construct elevated metro or underground. Elevated metro can be made on the center of Kathmandu roads. It takes less than 2 m space for erecting columns and no matter how much it takes on the air !!
Also, study can be made to construct under the existing road. But, it seems a bit impossible coz of high Ground Water Table in Kathmandu and low bearing capacity of soils !!

"कि त जमिन मुनि कुदाउनि  , कि त चट्ट view हेर्दै रोड माथि कुदाउनि ! मेट्रो चाई कुदाउनि नै हो !!! "

( I thought of writing this while I was standing for whole 1 hour going for my exams ; Kausaltar-Kalimati !! It was fucking hot , congested and I was stressed !!
Some designs are already there, but I wish I design the new Metro System for Ktm !
cheers !!
Some of my initial designs are as follows ...  )

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