Melamchi Drinking Water project is designed and is now in construction phase to provide fresh water to Kathmandu and meet the daily demand of around 350 ML.
It was started on 28th November, 2001.
ADB approved the proposed project restructuring, after 6 years (2008) of implementation and proposing the removal of identified obstacles in implementation, in February 2008. After the restructuring, the Project has now been revised to a total of $317.3 million and a completion date of June 2013. The cost will be jointly funded by several agencies such as: ADB (Loan 1820-NEP) – $137 m, JBIC – $ 47.5 m, JICA – $18 m, NDF – $10.5 m, OPEC – $13.7 m, and GoN – $ 90.6 million.
Melamchi Drinking Water project is designed and is now in construction phase to provide fresh water to Kathmandu and meet the daily demand of around 350 ML.
It was started on 28th November, 2001.

This project is subdivided into three sub projects for making the work easier and to complete it in time. They are: